Open Minded Peaceful Folks

Who are your favorite people to be around?

Each President has their own sore subjects and proud points. Personally, I cannot stand either one.

My favorite folks are the ones who can talk without inflicting their opinion on anyone else.  They are also able to admit when they don’t know everything about whatever specific point which falls under the umbrella of a subject matter

For example, in the above photo someone with the mind set of a politician may just bang away at one topic, without allowing for any discussion. (Granted politicians pretty much have to come across as single minded.)

Dealing with a MAGA Republican or Left-wing Democrat,, can be annoying if they cannot take the time to listen to anyone else. In fact, I found it insulting, it angered me, and caused me to overreact. Later, l was disappointed and upset with myself.

A good 20 to 30 years later, I learned not to even engage someone who fits into a politician-like profile. Discussing something with someone whose mind is already made up, is pointless and will only be frustrating.

Now the Beatles are some folks I’d like to hang out with. In some songs they seemed to respect others beliefs.

Paul McCartney wrote about how Mother Mary came, “Speaking words of wisdom.” Now, his mother’s name is in fact, “Mary.”  I read how he never specified if he was in fact thinking of his own mother or Mary, the mother of God. Since he’s not Catholic, I would lean toward his own Mom, but I don’t care. I always think of Mary the Mother of God, because I’m a good Catholic boy. Unlike an elected official, I freely admit that I’m probably wrong.

George Harrison meanwhile brought out, “My Sweet Lord” which mixed Christian and Hinduism in one song.  Admittedly, some may find the switching  under song from “Hallelujah” to “Hare Krishna” to be offensive.  In such a case, I would simply encourage them to hum, mutter, or sing “Hallelujah” over “Hare Krishna.”

I’ve been working on Political Cartoons.

I do what I enjoy and rise above my previous status.

Ted O’Donnell
Vote for me, TCircled, for Prez because I will not whine, bitch, or cry if I lose.

I enjoy drawing political cartoons, and although they stink, sometimes I do like the way they turn out. I like drawing them especially when I’m depressed because my focus is pulled away from any anxiety that is pressuring my mind.

I find a lot of material simply because I don’t like Democrats or Republicans. For example:

Jesus came to protect Trump and Biden.
Biden Zombie!!!!
“Trump is my Lord and Savior!!! I will kill who and whatever he doesn’t like!!!”

The worst of them all:

It was my first try at making a fully digital cartoon. Despite the fact that it is awful it was fun to do. Trying something for the first time is always fun.

Quote Quiz

Obama, Biden, Trump, Polanski, Clinton, or Harris, who said the above quote.

Which of these politicians and president said, “May we as Americans never forget the power of prayer and the greatness of our creator.” Believe it or not it was Donald Trump. It is probably questionable any politician actually believes this.  However it’s indisputable that now is the time to pray for the state of the United States.

Also when I’m upset and a moody wreak, prayer puts my mind to rest.

Clashing Con Men’s Quotes.

Obviously, I don’t think much of our current & past president, but I should admit that there are only a few politicians that I like.  I think they’re all crooks.  However, I’ll keep those opinions for myself.

My dislike of elected officials is only an example of the overall point of this post. It is:  Before my emotions take over my brain and lashing out at someone with my mouth or hand, I try to force myself to slow down, breath deeply, and try to think of one good thing about them. 

After reacting without thinking, I have almost always felt upset or disappointed with myself. Depression quite often engulfs my brain after my emotional reactions cause me to respond automatically. Essentially I feel like a screaming lil’ 2 year old

Near my home in mid-Missouri, both Presidents Trump and Biden have many fans. I don’t like either side and could easily envision slipping into an argument with the left or the right sides. However, I have to admit both have made some very good comments.

Failure in your life is inevitable but giving up is unforgivable. Pres. Joe Biden …. However, “unforgivable” seems a little harsh
Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.  Donald Trump … I didn’t realize he served in the armed services.

The only real issue with their lines is that they’re not very originally. Trumps’ is basically “learn from your mistakes”, while Bidens’ is essentially saying “winners may fail, but they never quit”.

For instance Greek philosopher, Plutarch said, “To make no mistakes is not in the power of man; but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn from their mistakes.” 

Confucius also said, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”  Both are extremely close to what the presidents said.

Admittedly, rephrasing an expression is not a big deal. Plus phrased differently, an ancient idiom may reach more modern ears.

Consequentially when I hear whoever’s political devotee articulating why the U.S. will be transformed into a new nirvana once that candidate is elected, I always try to mention one good thing about the praised candidate.  I try to keep the peace and rarely mention that I almost always vote third party which could potentially cause an argument. 

Besides avoiding a depression episode, maintaining a peaceful relationship is a step toward loving an enemy for me.

Closer to home, I have a co-worker who drives me up the wall and I have had to stop myself when I want to tell her to “F— Off!!” 

However she does a job that would have me at my wits end. I have to admit that I’m impressed that she does it whenever she is there.  We have a small staff, and if she left it would make my life worse.  Therefore, before lashing out in anger, I stop, breath heavily while remembering that it is good that she is there.  I also tell myself that there is a proper and improper way to deal with issues at work. Using profanity at work would probably fall in the improper category. I say nothing out of anger so peace is maintained.

What is good? Anyway.

Everyone has something in their history, including myself. Some people bitch about others or make accusations without any evidence. There are those, too, who follow along the general population without doing what is morally right. Following the crowd is no moral excuse.

I ask myself, ‘why I feel that way about a person?’

Co-workers told me certain people were not to be trusted or disrespected certain political or lobbyist groups.  I decided to form my own opinion independently.

This is from Matthew 7.1. I’ve heard that line since I was 5 yrs old but never truly applied it.

Oddly enough since not making an automatic judgment of strangers or acquaintances, my depression and mental state. Thinking more of others and taking a less prideful approach to life has helped my mental state.