Quote Quiz #4 & Problems with Assumptions

Out of: Rep. Nancy Pelosi, President Jimmy Carter, V.P. Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden, Sectary of State Hilary Clinton, or President Barack Obama who quoted scripture?

This one might be a little rough so I’m going to supply a couple of hints. The first hint is: this was said in the last speech this politician officially gave. Second: this was in a concession speech. Finally:

I know for myself I would automatically assume that he was the one quoting scripture.

No, it was Hilary Clinton, and with any number of hints, I would never have guessed she said anything like this. The sites where I found this are listed below. It seems that she is a strong Christian Methodist.

Now don’t misread me. I live in central Missouri, a very conservative state, and I never heard anything positive about Clinton, liberals, or Democrats. You could easily assume that all of the left are simply pure evil. It’s not that I believed she was a demonic pagan witch or a sadistic grandmother. I just never considered her level of spirituality.

Recognizing my own fault in favoring one politician over another, demonstrates my lack of education and trusting an assumption.

Now with depression, there are a number of assumptions made by the depressed or towards the depressed. Affinity Magazine listed five of them.

The first is they just want attention. Then they should just cheer up. Also, they look happy, so they must not be that depressed. All depressed people are introverts. Lastly, people with depression take medication. https://affinitymagazine.us/2019/04/03/5-assumptions-people-make-about-depressed-people/

People with depression many times have feelings of hopelessness. A loss of interest in or withdrawal from activities that were previously looked forward to. Depression often causes a lack of energy and an overwhelming feeling of fatigue. Depression and anxiety often occur together. Symptoms of anxiety can include: nervousness, restlessness, or a sense of tension; feelings of danger, panic, or dread; rapid heart rate; rapid breathing; increased or heavy sweating; trembling or muscle twitching; trouble focusing or thinking clearly about anything other than one central preoccupation. Depression often tends to make men more irritable than women. Also there may be changes in weight and appetite, along with mood swings. Most devastating is that those with depression sometimes think about self harm, harm of others or suicide. A deeper discussion of these signs of depression can be found at https://www.healthline.com/health/depression/recognizing-symptoms

For myself, I feel better when I learn more about depression. With education, I feel less susceptible to getting my hopes pumped up due to some assumption only to have them blown apart, followed by tons disappointments. These are of course more personal suspicions than what some politician said.





Quote Quiz #2

Was it Pres.s Trump, Obama, or Biden? Or was it Rep. Greene, Sen. Clinton, or V.P Harris?

Actually it was two politicians who made similar comments about the Burning Man Festivals’ disaster. It was Sen. Mike Lee of Utah and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia

Rep. Greene stated, “God has a way of making sure everyone knows who God is.” This was after alleging that there were Satanic rituals taking place at the festival.

Sen. Lee implied that the flooding was nothing less than “Gods’ judgment.”

This was reported in Rolling Stones magazine on Sept. 4, 2023. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/marjorie-taylor-greene-burning-man-mike-lee-right-wing-blame-god-1234818034/amp/

Hatred and name calling is not what I would consider Christian. Plus if God’s judgement is being reigned down on the U.S. by way of natural disasters, then it would seem that almost the entire country is being punished.

I would advocate that the U.S. should start praying regularly.

Quote Quiz

Obama, Biden, Trump, Polanski, Clinton, or Harris, who said the above quote.

Which of these politicians and president said, “May we as Americans never forget the power of prayer and the greatness of our creator.” Believe it or not it was Donald Trump. It is probably questionable any politician actually believes this.  However it’s indisputable that now is the time to pray for the state of the United States.

Also when I’m upset and a moody wreak, prayer puts my mind to rest.