The first step can be the worst one

Michael Jordan: Failure is acceptable but not trying is a whole different ballpark.

Wayne Gretzky: Not doing it, is certainly the best way not to get it.

Doing something, arts or crafts, sports, music, cooking, woodworking or whatever, the hardest time to start anything is the first time. In fact trying something new, can sometimes pose as an incredible task.

I am currently trying to make videos & get on YouTube. Then slap a bunch of posts all over the world of social media. Then I’ll send fact sheets to major news outlets. This will start a change in one election custom. If the U.S. voters will make promises to Presidents, senators and representatives. Voters will promise not to vote for them if they do not request an IRS audit and then an FBI security clearance pass. Essentially, politicians if they don’t prove that they are more of a moral character than the opposing candidate.

Will it work?

The odds of making any difference is a slim one. However if I don’t try making a difference on some illusionary goal, I never will.

This is basically the antonym of Jerry Garcia s quote:

I’ve been working on Political Cartoons.

I do what I enjoy and rise above my previous status.

Ted O’Donnell
Vote for me, TCircled, for Prez because I will not whine, bitch, or cry if I lose.

I enjoy drawing political cartoons, and although they stink, sometimes I do like the way they turn out. I like drawing them especially when I’m depressed because my focus is pulled away from any anxiety that is pressuring my mind.

I find a lot of material simply because I don’t like Democrats or Republicans. For example:

Jesus came to protect Trump and Biden.
Biden Zombie!!!!
“Trump is my Lord and Savior!!! I will kill who and whatever he doesn’t like!!!”

The worst of them all:

It was my first try at making a fully digital cartoon. Despite the fact that it is awful it was fun to do. Trying something for the first time is always fun.

Quote Quiz #2

Was it Pres.s Trump, Obama, or Biden? Or was it Rep. Greene, Sen. Clinton, or V.P Harris?

Actually it was two politicians who made similar comments about the Burning Man Festivals’ disaster. It was Sen. Mike Lee of Utah and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia

Rep. Greene stated, “God has a way of making sure everyone knows who God is.” This was after alleging that there were Satanic rituals taking place at the festival.

Sen. Lee implied that the flooding was nothing less than “Gods’ judgment.”

This was reported in Rolling Stones magazine on Sept. 4, 2023.

Hatred and name calling is not what I would consider Christian. Plus if God’s judgement is being reigned down on the U.S. by way of natural disasters, then it would seem that almost the entire country is being punished.

I would advocate that the U.S. should start praying regularly.

Quote Quiz

Obama, Biden, Trump, Polanski, Clinton, or Harris, who said the above quote.

Which of these politicians and president said, “May we as Americans never forget the power of prayer and the greatness of our creator.” Believe it or not it was Donald Trump. It is probably questionable any politician actually believes this.  However it’s indisputable that now is the time to pray for the state of the United States.

Also when I’m upset and a moody wreak, prayer puts my mind to rest.

What is good? Anyway.

Everyone has something in their history, including myself. Some people bitch about others or make accusations without any evidence. There are those, too, who follow along the general population without doing what is morally right. Following the crowd is no moral excuse.

I ask myself, ‘why I feel that way about a person?’

Co-workers told me certain people were not to be trusted or disrespected certain political or lobbyist groups.  I decided to form my own opinion independently.

This is from Matthew 7.1. I’ve heard that line since I was 5 yrs old but never truly applied it.

Oddly enough since not making an automatic judgment of strangers or acquaintances, my depression and mental state. Thinking more of others and taking a less prideful approach to life has helped my mental state.