Quote Quiz – Work

You’re blessed if you have the strength to work.

Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction. -Anne Frank

Nothing will work unless you do. – Maya Angelou

Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them. – Ann Landers

Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. – Stephen Hawking
Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received, and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work. – Mother Theresa

Gentleness doesn’t get work done unless you happen to be a hen laying eggs. – Coco Chanel

My thoughts on work:

Ted Michael O’Donnell

Shakespeare’s quote with my additions

My reworking of his quote is short and simple:

“A young fool thinks himself to be wise, but an old wise man knows himself to be a fool.”

Essentially as I aged, I made more and more mistakes, which led to me becoming overly depressed.  I didn’t need anyone to beat me up or put me down. I, unintentionally, downgraded myself.

After a few years of mishaps, I became confident that my brain (or wisdom) was founded in stupidity. Everything in my life seemed to end in disasters. However as I aged while making dire decisions, I hit my lowest point.

Fortunately, I finally recognized my need for help, which was wise.

A fool who asks for help is wise. If you put yourself down you will never get up.

Sam stole my idea

“The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up.”  – Mark Twain

Okay, it is the same concept, not the exact terms.

I discovered this notion when I was angry at my job. I learned over my life that quite often whatever caused me to become upset will lead me to feel singled out and then often that I had no one to discuss the matter with. Then I would feel lonely, and resulting in continuing depression.

On one particular dark day, I went to a place where I volunteered. I found that by simply switching my thoughts from myself to others and concentrating on helping them, I in turn felt better.

It works for me, and maybe Sam Clemens, too.

Peace be on you

If I didn’t need any sleep I would devote the extra time to my hobbies.

Ted Michael O’Donnell

I carve up tons of used Christmas trees. The pine trees are soft wood and easily carved. I just like being creative with wood and then slapping them on this blog, social media, or any other place on the Internet.

For example, I sent the ‘Peace on You’ I sent to my girlfriend. Therefore, I used the hearts to draw over the carved peace symbol.

Mother Theresa

I carved all kinds of things to varying degrees of quality, like the lettering of this one was simply awful. Regardless though, I was happy when it was done.

At one time, I was doing great and sold a bunch of wooden things I carved. I didn’t stay in practice and now I stink. However regardless of how bad I am, I enjoy doing it which takes my mind off of whatever I’m stressed about.

Here’s the point: regardless of how depressed, stressed out, or anxious I feel, working on a hobby, regardless of how bad I am, I still feel better.

I cannot prove that doing your hobbies will save you from some funky mindset. I can only state this for myself.

However, I found this site which backs up this idea. If you don’t even have a hobby, you may find something at – “10 Best Hobbies for People with Anxiety to Calm You Down Instantly.” https://www.amosuir.com/hobbies-for-people-with-anxiety/

Utah State also agreed with the hobby idea at: https://extension.usu.edu/mentalhealth/articles/how-hobbies-improve-mental-health

Quote Quiz #3

When I’m not working on something, I seem to go through periods of depression. It helps to keep busy.

Did Robin Williams, Whooping Goldberg, Richard Pryor, Gene Wilder, Brooke Shields, or Gilda Radner, say, “When I’m not working on something, I seem to go through periods of depression. It helps to keep busy.”

This quote is entirely true for me because when I get bored and have nothing to do I get depressed. This is when my hobbies and blogging are such a big deal to me. They keep me busy and out of that mental funk of depression.

Gene Wilder is the author of that quote. I read that many comedians have depression and use comedy to make others happy, which in turn makes them happy.

This is often referred to as the “Sad Clown Complex”. I’m no professional but the references for this post are listed below. Again I have personally found that to be true.






6 Word Story: Beating A Big Assignment

Succeed by breaking down a task.

Example of tale: Today I had an outpatient surgery, and the procedure itself conjured up no stress or anxiety. I had it three times before, and with no complications.

I suffer from Epilepsy, depression, and anxiety. When I become stressed out, I am more prone to have a seizure. There was a whole laundry list of things I could or cannot do before the operation. Just the preparation for the operation caused the stress. I was really surprised that I accomplished all of them. I simply went down the list, picking out the most important and did them first.

All the while, I told myself to try my best. In the end I was successful. Everything went smoothly. I also have remembered a quote by St. Francis of Assisi, which I applied to the tasks at hand.

Quote Quiz

Obama, Biden, Trump, Polanski, Clinton, or Harris, who said the above quote.

Which of these politicians and president said, “May we as Americans never forget the power of prayer and the greatness of our creator.” Believe it or not it was Donald Trump. It is probably questionable any politician actually believes this.  However it’s indisputable that now is the time to pray for the state of the United States.

Also when I’m upset and a moody wreak, prayer puts my mind to rest.

Who talked about “the children now”?

Was it: Adolph Hitler, St. Teresa of Avila, Socrates, Pres Jimmy Carter, or Pink? Answer at bottom of post.

The point of this post is short: The person, who can rattle off a ton of problems of the next entire generation following his or her own age group probably has more problems of their own.  Although if someone is normally a positive person, then they could just be having a bad day. 

A person who constantly whines and bitches tends to be pessimistic and not an uplifting person to be around. Besides people who see a negative future probably currently live in a negative world. 

For myself and my depression, I try to be around positive people.

I can make the above comments simply because I was an extremely negative person at one time.  I criticized, attacked, and erupted in a slew of unimaginably disgusting profanity and spittle. I never considered anyone’s feelings. Anything that did not fall into agreement with my prideful, narcissistic world often received an ugly return.

I believe I’ve changed for two reasons. My meds were adjusted and believe for my betterment. Second, I started praying on a daily basis. I composed many of my own prayers and chose verses from the Bible to meditate over. The prayers made me stop and consider my interactions with people.

In time, I became much more considerate of other people and ultimately a much happier person overall.

Now the answer:

“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise,” Greek philosopher Socrates once bitched.   https://www.inc.com/magazine/202304/diana-ransom/the-sba-after-ppp.html

Personally I can only guess he was having a rotten day.

Two other generational quotes:

Doesn’t every generation feel like the one that’s coming up behind them doesn’t know how to grow up? I’m not sure if we’re progressively getting worse or if your perspective shifts.”— Jason Reitman, a U.S./Canadian actor/director.

“Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser the one that comes after it.” George Orwell.

Clashing Con Men’s Quotes.

Obviously, I don’t think much of our current & past president, but I should admit that there are only a few politicians that I like.  I think they’re all crooks.  However, I’ll keep those opinions for myself.

My dislike of elected officials is only an example of the overall point of this post. It is:  Before my emotions take over my brain and lashing out at someone with my mouth or hand, I try to force myself to slow down, breath deeply, and try to think of one good thing about them. 

After reacting without thinking, I have almost always felt upset or disappointed with myself. Depression quite often engulfs my brain after my emotional reactions cause me to respond automatically. Essentially I feel like a screaming lil’ 2 year old

Near my home in mid-Missouri, both Presidents Trump and Biden have many fans. I don’t like either side and could easily envision slipping into an argument with the left or the right sides. However, I have to admit both have made some very good comments.

Failure in your life is inevitable but giving up is unforgivable. Pres. Joe Biden …. However, “unforgivable” seems a little harsh
Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.  Donald Trump … I didn’t realize he served in the armed services.

The only real issue with their lines is that they’re not very originally. Trumps’ is basically “learn from your mistakes”, while Bidens’ is essentially saying “winners may fail, but they never quit”.

For instance Greek philosopher, Plutarch said, “To make no mistakes is not in the power of man; but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn from their mistakes.” 

Confucius also said, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”  Both are extremely close to what the presidents said.

Admittedly, rephrasing an expression is not a big deal. Plus phrased differently, an ancient idiom may reach more modern ears.

Consequentially when I hear whoever’s political devotee articulating why the U.S. will be transformed into a new nirvana once that candidate is elected, I always try to mention one good thing about the praised candidate.  I try to keep the peace and rarely mention that I almost always vote third party which could potentially cause an argument. 

Besides avoiding a depression episode, maintaining a peaceful relationship is a step toward loving an enemy for me.

Closer to home, I have a co-worker who drives me up the wall and I have had to stop myself when I want to tell her to “F— Off!!” 

However she does a job that would have me at my wits end. I have to admit that I’m impressed that she does it whenever she is there.  We have a small staff, and if she left it would make my life worse.  Therefore, before lashing out in anger, I stop, breath heavily while remembering that it is good that she is there.  I also tell myself that there is a proper and improper way to deal with issues at work. Using profanity at work would probably fall in the improper category. I say nothing out of anger so peace is maintained.