Two 6-Word Sad Short Stories

Samuel smiled sweetly secluding his soreness.

True story, I came into work and a co-worker innocently asked, “How are you?”

“I feel like shit.” I muttered.  “Like a zombie.”  From her response,  I must have sounded like the “undead”.

Her eyes flew open. Her mouth ajar open. “WHAT!?” spewed out.

Now I’m “Swell!” “Fabulous!!” “Fantastic!”

For me acknowledging my state of mind, body, or conscious is the first step in improving a problem.

Once alone, I faced my depressed state.  Currently however, I’m really not facing depression

In years past, I kept a journal of all the daily problems I had.  Now I discuss the drama that crops up in my life with friends.  I’ve found that it’s harder to tell someone the issues plaguing me, which provides more a relief and piece of mind.