McDonald’s killed my card, and I was happy about it.

Went to a McD.’s, ordered breakfast,  and then was told my card was declined. 

“What?” was my initial response.

I instantly did the math regarding my account and smiled, “Well that sucks.”

Fortunately, my bank was a couple of blocks away, so I walked down there.  I went to the teller to learn that there was in fact enough money in my account for several McDonald’s breakfasts.

I was then directed to a customer service associate, who asked if I had taken any trips to Montreal, or New Delhi.

“Huh? Well, I’ve been to the Missouri State capital but no other countries,” I answered.

Basically somebody hacked my account and I thanked the bankers who froze my account.

The point of this tale is simple:

I was actually happy that I didn’t freak out.

In the past, I have reacted like a firecracker in a gallon of gasoline, just explosive. I stayed calm and can only guess my anger control was due to praying for about 15 minutes a day.

Compliments v. Complaints

I was ready to complain to my CVS pharmacy, its company, and on social media. For six days, I tried getting an extremely important medication. On the sixth day, I would be out of my med, and therefore I was determined to switch my pharmacy and register my complaint with all of CVS.

My medicine treated my epileptic seizures, and there is one thing I fear more than anything are my seizures.  I cannot tell anyone what the terror I’ve felt.

One time, I was walking along a busy street, blacked out, collapsed for some unknown period of time, and when I regained consciousness I was strapped down to a gurney. I “came to” looking up at two paramedics and mumbled, “What’s going on?”  I was in an ambulance.

Yes, I made plans to go to whatever extreme was needed to get my meds.  It was obvious to me that my store was out of stock for my med. All I wanted was to find out if I could get my meds at the only other CVS in my city

First, I called the store and was put on hold for a half-hour. I could overhear that the store was busy. (I honestly sat on hold for 30 minutes, just so I could have something else to scream about.)  Then I tried to write an email to the company itself.  I don’t know what I did to prevent my bitchfest from going through.  My anger was on a countdown to blasting off. I know I would overreact and then the depression would start because I was an a-hole.

Regardless, I next called the 800 number to complain up a storm.

This is where the happy ending comes around.  The operator sounded very understanding and helpful. Before I even said anything about getting my med from the other store, she suggested it! She suggested what I wanted! 

I thanked this woman repeatedly and I suspect she doesn’t even know how important that it is for me. At the end of the story, I got my meds in 30 minutes. The same amount of time I planned on ranting about.

Believe me, I feel much happier writing a compliment instead of broadcasting a complaint. In negative times, giving compliments for simply doing a good job, can make everyone feel better.  Now when I get depressed, angry, or lonesome, I’ll try to compliment someone.

Lusty saved my sanity.

Believe it or not, I have a friend whose mother named her”Lusty”. Well one day she came to my rescue when I was at work.

My brain was just so full of rage that I was about to explode. I knew what I needed to do. I had to release all of my frustrations from my brain by way of my mouth to someone who would just listen to me.

Consequently, all Lusty did was listen to me blast my irritants & annoyances away.

If she said anything at all, it was simply something supportive.

I stepped outside after my babbling for a cigarette. In a matter of minutes, I realized that I was making too much of an issue out of something. Once returning, I apologized for being slightly if not extremely overwhelming, but thanked her for being there to listen to me.

The point of this story is simple. Just providing an ear to listen can prove to be a big help to someone.

Nature is my favorite place in my city.

What is your favorite place to go in your city?

Since I was a kid I have loved to go into the woods and hike around. At different times, I have felt sort of close to God. I’ll pray as if I’m talking to my Dad and voice whatever is on my mind. In the forest I felt free to vent whatever was on my mind, since I knew I was alone.

Today, I don’t live out in the country. I live in Missouri’s State Capital city. Now I go on a walk along the Greenway. If I’m stressed out, upset, disappointed, sad, or depressed in general, I’ll pray like before, but not outloud.

Clashing Con Men’s Quotes.

Obviously, I don’t think much of our current & past president, but I should admit that there are only a few politicians that I like.  I think they’re all crooks.  However, I’ll keep those opinions for myself.

My dislike of elected officials is only an example of the overall point of this post. It is:  Before my emotions take over my brain and lashing out at someone with my mouth or hand, I try to force myself to slow down, breath deeply, and try to think of one good thing about them. 

After reacting without thinking, I have almost always felt upset or disappointed with myself. Depression quite often engulfs my brain after my emotional reactions cause me to respond automatically. Essentially I feel like a screaming lil’ 2 year old

Near my home in mid-Missouri, both Presidents Trump and Biden have many fans. I don’t like either side and could easily envision slipping into an argument with the left or the right sides. However, I have to admit both have made some very good comments.

Failure in your life is inevitable but giving up is unforgivable. Pres. Joe Biden …. However, “unforgivable” seems a little harsh
Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.  Donald Trump … I didn’t realize he served in the armed services.

The only real issue with their lines is that they’re not very originally. Trumps’ is basically “learn from your mistakes”, while Bidens’ is essentially saying “winners may fail, but they never quit”.

For instance Greek philosopher, Plutarch said, “To make no mistakes is not in the power of man; but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn from their mistakes.” 

Confucius also said, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”  Both are extremely close to what the presidents said.

Admittedly, rephrasing an expression is not a big deal. Plus phrased differently, an ancient idiom may reach more modern ears.

Consequentially when I hear whoever’s political devotee articulating why the U.S. will be transformed into a new nirvana once that candidate is elected, I always try to mention one good thing about the praised candidate.  I try to keep the peace and rarely mention that I almost always vote third party which could potentially cause an argument. 

Besides avoiding a depression episode, maintaining a peaceful relationship is a step toward loving an enemy for me.

Closer to home, I have a co-worker who drives me up the wall and I have had to stop myself when I want to tell her to “F— Off!!” 

However she does a job that would have me at my wits end. I have to admit that I’m impressed that she does it whenever she is there.  We have a small staff, and if she left it would make my life worse.  Therefore, before lashing out in anger, I stop, breath heavily while remembering that it is good that she is there.  I also tell myself that there is a proper and improper way to deal with issues at work. Using profanity at work would probably fall in the improper category. I say nothing out of anger so peace is maintained.

Who would be a Sadducee today?

Me! and this is only how I lived my life. Maybe others can benefit from it.

My closed conservative mind is equally as volatile I imagine as a sealed off liberal one.

About ten years ago when I was 45, I can easily admit that I was a prideful, arrogant narcissistic jerk.  I was much like a know-it-all teenager.  My closed conservative mind was liberally sealed off from any influence.   Well, unless that influence was female and willing to trample on a couple of commandments. I was immune from all analytical, logical reasoning.

Hey there was wine in the Bible so why was there Prohibition in the U.S?  Besides we should have any naturally occuring marijuana, cocaine, shrooms, and any and all green narcotics.

I would just use some section from the Bible or what some random saint said to back up my ugly jacked-ed up judgments. 

I imagine the Sadduccees, who I am guessing were more conservative, used the written Jewish Law (The Torah) to make their arguments.  The Pharisees followed oral interpretations, which sounds more liberal. Admittedly, I could be wrong.

I cannot explain why I thought everyone would agree with me. This will never happen, no matter what I spout at them.  Regardless an disagreements often occurred causing rage to race through my blood while biting my tongue.

The political doctrine within my brain had little influence on my happiness and demeanor.  I suspect this may be the case for people who hate Republicans or Democrats. 

In my mind today, I can say, I try not to hate anyone.  There are two key verses to lead me to tell myself that hating someone is never a Christian action.

I needed to discover humility, peace for myself, I pray daily and the courage to actually pursue my dream. My prayer-mantra, which I wrote, is “You Lead. I follow.” I encourage you to find a prayer for yourself.

My contentment and overall presence was drab and negative. I even prayed daily but to no avail.  I was self righteous, quick to to take offense, depressed often, and afraid to live my life as I wanted.

These are the two Gospel verses I try to apply to myself and I’m much happier.

They are, “Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you.”  Matthew 7: 1-2, and “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone…” John 8: 7

God saved me from being a jerk

I honestly prayed on my break at work just not to tell a co-worker what I thought of her.

A co-worker essentially stepped on my toes, and I wanted to amputate her foot in return.  In the end, I told myself to grow and shut up.

This all happened at the Salvation Army Thrift Store, and I don’t even remember what had me so upset.  All I recall asking myself was, “And what good would that do?”

I have a litany of prayers I say throughout the day until I finish them.  Some days I’m done before 8 a.m. and other days I’m done after 8 p.m. The last one I recite to myself is The Peace Prayer of St Francis of Assis.  On this particular day, I concentrated extra hard on the ‘Peace Prayer’ .

I concentrated on how I would sow love where there is hatred and how I would seek to understand those who I did not.

I prayed harder than normal to be an instrument of peace when my mind was trying to manage my anger.  For example, I specifically asked myself how I would try to understand those they I didn’t.  However, I was thinking of white supremacist militia groups.  When the line, “where there is hatred, let me sow love”, crossed my mind all I asked was, “How?”  I never considered being upset with my coworker.

This just demonstrated my bipolar nature and how I instinctively wanted to seek blood.

In 25,000 words or less: there was a snafu at our only register. My coworker made some false assumptions and freaked.  It was easily solved, but I had to tell her three times that there was no problem.  At the end of the day, SHE THANKED ME!

Trusting God, will save me from causing problems at the workplace.

My lofty dreams, goals, and aspirations my need to be addressed one day. However, I learned that once I ask for help I may be surprised in the way it’s answered.

Aiming President Jimmy Carter’s Quote On 2020

In my neighborhood, only MY neighborhood, if you say, “Everyone should wear a mask because of COVID wherever they go,” someone is apt to shoot you for being a Democrate.

There are those out in the world who are looking for a reason to complain and be noticed.  Social media vehicles provide an easy means.  They seem to enjoy causing themselves anger and annoyance.

Personally I find it comical when I make an innocent, moral, simple comment on Twitter, etc., and then receive a scathing, lengthy,  hateful response.

My response to a screen-filled, nasty  return is normally, “Thank you for your response.  You made some good points.  I’ll look into your arguments.” 

Then I think to myself, ‘Ha, ha, not gonna fall for yer narcissistic trap.  No argument but no agreement.’